Thursday, November 4, 2010

Heaven is for Real

Here's book review numero tres.

Ever wonder about the reality of heaven? I know all followers of Christ claim to believe in such a place but to be honest, we often view it as more of an abstract idea rather than a literal, physical place. In Todd Burpo's Heaven is for Real, though, heaven isn't talked about as an idea or a dream. It's presented as an actual place. And the amazing thing is that all the information was gathered first hand-by the author's 4 year old son.

When Colton Burpo was 4 he underwent emergency appendectomy surgery. And several months afterward, he began to talk to his parents about what he had seen when he went to heaven. As his parents began to talk about this experience in more detail, they were shocked at what they heard. Colton was able to describe things he had seen and people he had met in amazing detail-including long deceased family members he had never met.

Now any book that purports to tell of an 'out of body' experience is always met with much skepticism-especially by me. But after reading this book I have to confess that I was blown away. The descriptions offered by this little boy are amazingly accurate, and line up with the record of scripture. Having said that, this isn't a theology book. It's a book that recounts the visions of a 4 year old boy. But again, all that he says matches up with scripture.

I found this book very encouraging. It's so easy to take the reality out of heaven, when in fact there's no place more real than heaven. This book makes you long to be there, to see loved ones that you've lost; and most of all, to look upon the One who gave His life to secure your place there. Read it with an open Bible and with a large grain of salt-but I'd encourage you to read it nonetheless.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255

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