So today I had Owen help me rake some leaves. Never too early to get them started. Besides, those pesky child-labor laws don't apply when you're at home. Actually, what happened was I was raking leaves and he wanted to help. So he got a rake and got started. I showed him a spot to start on and let him have at it while I started raking at another spot. After a few minutes, he came over to where I was raking to "help" me. And I know why he did it. I remember when I was a kid, outside trying to help dad with things, there were times when I would have trouble doing what I was supposed to do. I would look over and see that dad wasn't having any trouble at all. So I would sort of ease over to him, work close to him, and that would make me feel like I was getting more done. And I chuckled when I realized what Owen was doing, then I realized what a lesson I could learn from him. How often do I try to do things on my own, in my own power, and stray away from my Father in heaven? In John 15:5 Jesus said, " “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing." Couldn't get much plainer than that. Jesus says that apart from Him, we are incapable of doing anything. And yet so often I find myself working in my own strength, with my own power, trying to do things that I can't do. How much better would it be for me to follow Owen's example? How much better would it be for me to try and work as closely to my Father as I can? Because even if I'm not getting anything done, God is. And when I work close to Him, that's when I'm able to accomplish things. Without Him I can do nothing; but through Christ who strengthens me, I can do all things. One other thing-Owen was a great big helper until he noticed his sisters having fun doing something else. Then he was done helping daddy, and ready to go play. There's another spiritual lesson in there somewhere, but that's for another day.
Father, thank you for the precious gift of my children. Help me raise them in a way that honors and glorifies You. Help me to learn this lesson. Help me realize that apart from You, I can do nothing to bring glory to Your Name. Help me to remember, when I'm struggling to accomplish the things You ask of me, it's only because I've strayed away from You. Help me to stay close to You, to walk close by Your side. And help me to glorify You.
Father, thank you for the precious gift of my children. Help me raise them in a way that honors and glorifies You. Help me to learn this lesson. Help me realize that apart from You, I can do nothing to bring glory to Your Name. Help me to remember, when I'm struggling to accomplish the things You ask of me, it's only because I've strayed away from You. Help me to stay close to You, to walk close by Your side. And help me to glorify You.
Another great blog post! I really like the connections you make between spirituality and our "everday" events.